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What You Will Learn - Details

Setting the Stage

Introduction to the HypnoBirthing® philosophy.
The history of women and birthing.

How we have been unduly conditioned to fear birth.
Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing.
How nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth.
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts.
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Visualising gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos.

Family Bonding and Preparing Your Mind and Body

Prenatal and postnatal bonding techniques.
Selecting the right care provider.
The birth companion’s role in birthing.
Preparing your body for birthing with massage, toning and nutrition.

Preparing birth preference sheets (birth plan).

Your body working for and with you.

Self-hypnosis, Visualisation and Advanced Relaxation

Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques.

Breathing techniques for labor and birthing.

Hypnotic relaxation and visualisation techniques.

Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labour.
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.

Birth rehearsal imagery.

Overview and Summary of Childbirth

Birth physiology explained simply, including the role of hormones and endorphins.

Onset of labour – thinning and opening phases.
Settling in at the hospital, birthing centre or at home.

Using natural means to initiate labour.

As labour moves along – passing time through labour.
What to do if labour rests or slows.
As labour advances – birthing with your baby.
Protecting the natural birthing experience.
Knowing your options - special circumstances and how to manage decisions.

Birthing – The Final Act and Bonding

Moving into birthing.
Labour positions for descent and birthing.
Breathing baby down to birth.

Birthing the placenta, optimal cord clamping and skin-to-skin contact.
Family bonding with your baby in the birth after glow.

Breast crawl and first breastfeeding.

Establishing breastfeeding.

What to expect in the 4th trimester.

What you will learn
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